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Creekside's Mission, Vision, Values, and Goals

Creekside’s Mission

Growth, Love, and Learning;

Every Stinger,

Every Day.

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Creekside's Vision

Creekside achieves its mission 

by intentionally shaping a culture

in which children belong to their community,

master emotional, social, and academic skills,

solve problems independently, and

give back to their community with generosity.


Belonging * Mastery * Independence * Generosity

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Creekside’s Values and Collective Commitments

At Creekside Elementary… 

  • We value a culture of learning, so we commit to using research-validated teaching practices, focusing on academic, social, and emotional growth, and making decisions based on data.

  • We value compassion, so we commit to supporting one another, listening in order to understand, and respecting one another’s needs and differences. 

  • We value community, so we commit to having fun, laughing, and finding the joy in learning and teaching together. 

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Creekside's Goals

100% of Creekside students who enter the school year meeting or exceeding grade-level expectations in ELA will make at least one year’s growth by June 16th, 2023 as measured by grade-appropriate district assessments. To close the achievement gap, students who enter the school year not yet meeting grade level expectations will show evidence of exceeding a year’s growth by June 16th, 2023 as measured by grade-appropriate district assessments.

100% of Creekside students who enter the school year meeting or exceeding grade-level expectations in Math will have shown that they continued to grow to maintain mastery of math content, by June 16th, 2023 as measured by grade-appropriate district assessments. To close the achievement gap, students who enter the school year not yet meeting grade level expectations will show evidence of exceeding a year’s growth by June 16th, 2023 as measured by grade-appropriate district assessments.